My Injury Illness

Custom Tailored Written Injury & Illness Prevention Manuals for all States

Injury & Illness Compliance Manual Builder

Injury & Illness Prevention Program fact:

Did you know that many states now require that businesses with one or more employee have an updated IIPP in place?

If the business deals in construction, many states also require a copy of the IIPP also be placed at each job site!

The fines, if found in non compliance can be in the thousands. Should your prospect have an IIPP in place, yet not have it updated each year can also result in the same fines!

As a member of ATIN, you will have the ability to create and distribute as many IIPP manuals as you wish. Free!

Each manual you create is industry specific to your Insured or Prospect and by presenting an ATIN Injury & Illness Manual to your prospect, prior to presenting your premium cost estimate can result in binding the new business, 76.6% of the time!

This service module and all others are provided inclusive to membership with

 * for membership renewed annually with no lapse
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