Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions and their answers

User and Member Questions Insurance Carrier Questions Letterhead Signatures No Loss Runs Received Products and Services Username and Passwords Product Training Laws and Legality

User and Member Questions

What is a user?

ATIN defines a user as any producer who will be quoting a prospect or insured as well as any helper such as a CSR or SCA that is not in the field but will be working the file, to include the ordering of historical loss information (loss runs).


If you have three producers in your office and one helper, or CSR, you would sign-up four, (4) users.

If you have eight (8) producers only and they are located in three separate offices, you may join only eight (8) members, no matter the amount of locations.

If you are joining four (4) or less users, you may join as few as one and still add as many as three others down the line, free of charge as the ATIN price structure allows for a special rate for smaller insurance offices of 1 to 4 users for the same annual rate. (See ATIN user pricing by visiting the homepage at

How do I know how many users I will need to join?

ATIN defines a user as any producer who will be quoting a prospect or insured as well as any helper such as a CSR or SCA that is not in the field but will be working the file, to include the ordering of historical loss information (loss runs).

   Example:   If you have three producers in your office and one helper, or CSR, you would sign-up four, (4) users.

If you have eight (8) producers only and they are located in three separate offices, you may join only eight (8) members, no matter the amount of locations.

If you are joining four (4) or less users, you may join as few as one and still add as many as three others down the line, free of charge as the ATIN price structure allows for a special rate for smaller insurance offices of 1 to 4 users for the same annual rate. (See ATIN user pricing by visiting the homepage at

If we paid for additional users, how do we add them/create their memberships?

If your membership allows for additional free/inclusive site licenses/users, they may use your single account password and username or each may setup their own separate account at no additional charge.  This action is to be performed by the Managing Member of the account (the user who initially signed up for the service) using the "Add More Logins" link at the bottom of your member homepage. The only necessary information is the first and last name and email address of the new user to be added.

Insurance Carrier Questions

How many carriers are on the loss run ordering system?

You will always have access to any/all carriers, anywhere in the world to include admitted or non Lloyds Groups and carriers in liquidation and run-off.

In addition to having the ability to order loss runs from all carriers, we have now begun to add non-carrier entities that handle loss run procurement for carriers such as Managing General Agents (MGA), General Agents (GA), and Third Party Administrators (TPA).


What if I cannot locate the carrier I need from the ATIN carrier list?

Simply close the carrier pull-down list and click on the "Suggest Carrier" link in the menu up top. There you will see your membership information by default, (If your membership information is not listed and shows another name, the system will not work for you properly. If this is the case, please contact ATIN to setup your free membership add-on before proceeding).

Fill in the field named “carrier to be added.” Please make sure that the carrier you wish to forward your request to is the same carrier of record shown on the dec page, cover sheet, or prior outdated loss run face sheet.

Hit "Submit" and your request will be researched and the carrier added to the ATIN system within 2 hrs. on that same day. You will always have access to any carrier in the world!


Letterhead Signatures

Are signatures required on all first requests?

If ordering loss history information for a new prospect that you have no current or prior relationship with you will need to do the following steps.

Create the ATIN letterhead request, along with all needed carrier name and desired lines of coverage. Note: no policy numbers are required, but if you have them, the carrier will be able to better research and forward the information quicker.

If you have the email address for the person you are quoting (this would typically be the owner or a listed officer), you may use the "Sticky Note" option that will allow you to forward the request in a paperless form directly to your prospect for his/her signature by email. The prospect will receive your request with a note saying "Dear (first name of your prospect by default), please print, sign below, and forward by fax here."

If you have a current or prior relationship with the entity you are quoting you may order loss runs on behalf of by (signing in fraction based on relationship).

Are signatures required on a 2nd request?

No signatures are required on requests beyond the first when using our system and in many cases. No signature is required at all and loss information may be ordered in a paperless manner, with no signature required.

No Loss Runs Received

What if loss runs have not yet arrived?

Did you send a valid 1st request? 

Was the first request signed by an owner, or officer of the company you are quoting?

Meaning was the first request signed by an owner or officer of the risk that was insured by the carrier you are attempting to obtain loss runs from?

Did you fax your request to the carrier loss run desk listed on your ATIN Loss Run Letterhead Request? , (Use fax option if you do not have the email address of the person you have listed on the prospect letterhead)

Do you have proof of carrier documentation?

When starting the quote process, was a copy of the dec, cover page, or face sheet obtained as proof of carrier?

   Fact: When using the ATIN system, the loss runs will be forwarded by the carrier 100% of the time, provided the information you enter into the system is valid!

  Example: If you attempt to order loss runs from Liberty Insurance Company for Smith Sheet Metal and Liberty Insurance Company has never been on the paper nor heard of the insured, you will not receive the needed loss history. Nor will the carrier (Liberty) contact you to let you know you have the wrong information.

  Therefore: By always obtaining a proof of carrier from your prospect when starting the quote process, you will receive the loss history 100% of the time!

What if loss runs are not received within 10 business days following a 1st request to the carrier?

If you have met all of the first request requirements and have forwarded a loss run request that was not honored within 10 business days (not calendar days), you may now forward a 2nd request.

  1. Visit the saved loss run letterhead vault.
  2. Open the saved letterhead that represents the prospect, or carrier that has not yet complied with the loss run request.
  3. Hit the 2nd request button located directly below "duplicate", "view", "edit," and "delete" buttons or links.
    1. By doing so, you will create and open a new document the mimics the first request with 2nd request language also present.
    2. You are not required to have a 2nd request and therefore need to print the 2nd request and forward it, along with a copy of your original 1st request, and fax back to the carrier from the loss run fax number supplied by default to your loss run request letterheads.
What if the loss run still does not arrive after submitting a 2nd request?

If not receiving loss runs within 24 hrs. following your forwarding of a valid 2nd request, please scan a copy of the 1st request and a copy of your proof of carrier to
and ATIN representatives will take it over from there and contact you with the results within 24 hrs. from receipt of information.

I ordered loss runs and have not received any. What’s up?

If you are not receiving loss information following 24 hrs. after a 2nd request, please scan a copy of the first request only and a copy of any proof of carrier and email it to

If we get the carrier in trouble, only to have them report they were never the carrier on that prospect, we, (ATIN) may be fined!

Therefore, if you have the correct carrier to the prospect you are ordering loss runs for, Loss Information will be received 100% of the time.

Conversely, should you have the wrong carrier of record; Loss Runs will not be received 100% of the time.

Please note that in most cases, when an ATIN member does not receive loss runs, it is simply due to the member not having the correct carrier of record for the prospect or insured they are ordering loss information for. Therefore, we must confirm this by also obtaining a "proof of carrier."

Please forward this information to ATIN and the loss information will be forwarded within 24 hrs., provided you had created and forwarded the requests as per ATIN and DOI rules.

We look forward to receiving the needed information so that all missing loss information may be received.


Products and Services

What is an IIPP?

Many states now require that any business with employees have an injury & illness prevention program, (IIPP) in place and that it be updated annually. Not doing so can lead to large fines by your state OSHA regulators.

Supplying an IIPP to your prospect or insured not only makes them compliant, but also allows for further schedule credit discounts from most carriers upon renewal or going to market when using the ATIN/US Comp IIPP.

If your customer or prospect resides in a non-OSHA state, they fall under "voluntary compliance". This is very good, as having an IIPP in place in a non-OSHA state will show that you and your insured are extremely "pro-active" and will therefore increase even more your schedule credit discounts upon renewal or when going out to market.

This IIPP is also designed to help you retain the insured for years to come.

Remember, the only money made when binding a new piece of business for only one year is the producer, certainly not the carrier and most of all, your agency!

How will an IIPP help me with sales?

By distributing an ATIN injury & illness prevention program to your prospect before presenting your quote for insurance can increase your chances of binding the coverage 76.6% of the time…and doing so based on service, NOT price!

What is the My Rate Forms service and how can it help us?

When prospecting workers’ compensation, the single most important piece of information that can be obtained on behalf of a prospect and forwarded to an underwriter (other than the required loss run information), is the "Workers’ Compensation Experience Modification Rate Sheet."

Normally, you would have to pay a fee to your state rating bureau of anywhere from $9.00 up to $20.00 or more per single carrier rate sheet.

As a member of ATIN you may request rate sheets from all known carriers on an unlimited basis, as often as you wish, at no extra charge. Doing so will help you receive further discounts when going out to quote.


Username and Passwords

How do I change my password?

You may change your password by visiting the "Edit membership" area of the site.

Once signed-in, you will be directed to the "Welcome member" page. Within this page, you will find the edit account link that will allow you to make updates and changes to your membership, including changing your password.


How do I change my username?

You may change your username by visiting the "Edit membership" area of the site.

Once signed-in, you will be directed to the, "Welcome member" page. Within this page, you will find the edit account link that will allow you to make updates and changes to your membership, including changing your username.


Product Training

How can I/we receive training on ATIN products?

ATIN will train any/all people within your organization that qualify under your membership. We conduct all training free of charge, Tuesday through Thursday.

Please have anyone wishing to receive training visit the ATIN homepage at and hit the "Live web training for members" button Tuesday through Thursday at 3:00 PM central standard time and follow the instructions on each screen to enter the demo live.

If you experience difficulties, please feel free to hit the "Schedule a demo" button, fill in the demo request form, and an ATIN representative will contact you on that date and time.


What are the common mistakes made by ATIN members?

Not obtaining proof of carrier

It is essential that when collecting information to start the quote process that "proof of carrier" also be obtained.

Proof of carrier can be a copy of the policy dec page, face sheet to outdated loss run representing same, or a prior certificate of insurance representing the policy and coverage you are ordering loss runs on.

Not correctly reading the dec page

It is common to misread a policy dec page, or cover sheet, as in many cases the dec page will show a carrier on the title that is actually different from the carrier who has written the policy.


Safeco Insurance Group owns and operates many subsidiaries. If you were to forward a loss run letterhead request for "American Economy Insurance Company", (A Safeco owned company) the dec page will have the name "SAFECO INSURANCE" at top left.

One must take a close look to see who actually holds the paper and wrote the actual policy.

So, if you were to order American Economy loss runs and forward the request to SAFECO, you will most likely not receive the loss runs, as the policy may not have been actually written on SAFECO paper and the Safeco owned entity might also be located within another state.

  Example 2:  

If you were to forward a loss run request letterhead to Farmers Insurance for the coverage type of workers’ compensation, your ATIN letterhead request may default to the loss run desk in Simi Valley, California.

Conversely, should you choose a coverage type of general liability, or property, for the same carrier (Farmers), the defaulted letterhead information might direct you to Illinois or Pleasanton, California.

Therefore, it is most important that you obtain "proof of carrier" when collecting information from a prospect, or insured.

Please note that the ATIN My Loss Runs system works 100% of the time provided the information you enter is valid.

Is there a "how to" or cheat sheet that I can refer to for quick help?

Please view the "How to use your ATIN membership" sheet that is emailed to each user when signing-up.
How do I/we receive training?

We will train any/all people within your organization that qualify under your membership. We conduct all training free of charge in hopes that by doing so, we are allowing you to do what you need to do within your office by not having to conduct training yourself.

Please have anyone wishing to receive training visit the ATIN homepage at and hit the "Live web training for members" button Tuesday through Thursday at 3:00 PM central standard time and follow the instructions on each screen to enter the demo live.

If you experience difficulties, please feel free to hit the "Schedule a demo" button, fill in the demo request form, and an ATIN representative will contact you on that date and time.

What kind of results can I expect from using the My Loss Runs service?

By using the system correctly, ethically, and often, you can as much as triple the premium written in one year over the prior year of not having used it!

Plus you receive any current and all future ATIN services, FREE of CHARGE!

Best of all…the rate you join at IS FIXED FOR LIFE and cannot go up, ever!

(Membership must be kept active and renewed annually with no lapse)

Why don't logos load to my letterhead and look like a box with an “X” in it?

This means your browser settings are not set correctly. If you cannot correct the setting, you may bypass the logo option, as it is not a requirement to show a logo and doing so is an option should you be meeting your prospect or insured in person.
When ordering for a new prospect, will the current agent of record be notified?

Commonly the loss run letterhead request you create and forward within our system will bypass any notification to the current agent of record. Should a member discover a carrier that is doing so, they may notify ATIN who will promptly contact the carrier, reminding them of the rules and laws regarding loss run procurement.

Laws and Legality

What are the actual rules/laws pertaining to loss run ordering and the turnaround times that carriers have to comply/forward back the loss information?

It is the statutory responsibility of the carrier to provide a policyholder with a list of claims information within the per state department of insurance time period of 10, 20, and/or 30 days of receiving the policyholder's written request to do so.

These LAWS apply to general liability, commercial automobile, medical and other professional liability, the liability portion of commercial multiperil, and workers’ compensation.

Failure to comply with the laws of each state can result in a fine of up to $25,000.

PLEASE NOTE:  Any insurer who attempts to charge a fee to release loss run information must have filed the fee schedule as part of their rate filings and must disclose the fee prior to making the charge.

It is suggested that you do not bind coverage or do business at all with any carrier that wants to charge a fee to obtain loss runs as this is clearly an unfair business practice by keeping policy holders from going to market by requiring them to have loss information to receive a quote for insurance.

If using the ATIN My Loss Runs system, only a 10 day period must pass without having received the needed loss run information before a member of the service can forward a 2nd request.

Should the 2nd request not be honored within 24 hrs., the member can simply scan a copy of the original first request and a copy of proof of carrier (declarations page, cover page, or any policy document showing correct spelling of actual carrier that bound coverage), and email the information to where ATIN representatives will research why the carrier did not comply and also make sure the member receives the loss run information within 24 hrs.

To view the laws and regulations pertaining to loss run ordering by state, please visit the Department of Insurance website for each state.